
Pawn Sacrifice Against the English!?

Published 10/3/24 With the growing popularity of the English Opening, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain a sharp and dynamic position in the main lines of the system. What if I told you there was a way to combat the positional nature of the opening and sacrifice a pawn as...

Future of Chess: Rapid and Chess960?

Published 8/28/24 Something that is debated a lot is what the future holds for the game of chess. I strongly believe that fast time controls and Fischer Random Chess will overtake classical chess and here's why:  1. Too many  quick draws are being made in Classical ChessLately, more and more games in...

Recent Tournament Tactics: Edition 1

Published 7/23/24 Tactic #1: White to play    Tactic #2: Black to play     Tactic #3: Black to play for an advantage    Tactic #4: Black to play for an advantage     Tactic #5: Black to play   Write your solutions in the comments below!

How To Win Against The Dutch

Published 6/13/24 Hello everyone! Today I will be sharing a very interesting and aggressive sideline against the Dutch opening. The Dutch can be an annoying opening to play against, especially the Stonewall setups that are difficult to exploit. What's interesting about this particular gambit is that the computer still gives a...