Pawn Sacrifice Against the English!?

Published 10/3/24


With the growing popularity of the English Opening, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain a sharp and dynamic position in the main lines of the system. What if I told you there was a way to combat the positional nature of the opening and sacrifice a pawn as early as move 4?

Before we take a look at some concrete variations, let’s take a look at the general position where we reach the pawn sacrifice:

At first glance, it seems like black is just giving up the e4 pawn without any compensation. However, this is far from the case as black will be able to gain some crucial tempi on the white knight. Let’s take a look at some critical variations so that the concept makes more sense:


(There are some complications with inserting the analysis here as an embed link, so here’s a link to the analysis:

As you can see, it’s very easy for white to go wrong in these variations. One wrong move and the position could suddenly be winning for black. Here is a game between two strong players that models the chaotic nature of the line and how easy it is for white to go wrong:

Make sure to give this line a try if you want to enter a dynamic position in the English opening! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the article about a line that sparked my attention and hopefully sparked yours as well.

If you have any suggestions on what I should write about in future articles, let me know below in the comment section! 

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Have a good day 🙂

One Comment

  1. Will Johnson

    I’m going to try this line. A strong expert at my club plays the English, and I keep getting bad positions against him.

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